Biblical Tools & Resources

Stay connected throughout the week and grow in your faith with God.
Our heart is not to just provide devotionals, but to also give you tools
to help you grow in your unique walk with Christ.

Bayside Devotional

Our Bayside Devotional is a reading plan written by Baysiders just like you!

Devotional Resources

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Jesus Calling | Sarah Young
Highlands One Year Bible Reading Plan
The Blessed Life | Kelly Minter
Highlands Prayer Guide
Bayside Devotional Update
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Messages on Prayer & God's Word

S.O.A.P. Method

SOAP stands for Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer. It is an easy way to get connected in God's word everyday.

Scripture: Read a short Bible passage. You can either read this out loud, in your head, or write it out on paper.

Observation: What do you notice about the verse? What sticks out to you the most? What do you think the passage was trying to get across to you?

Application: Ask God how he wants you to apply the verse to your own life.

Prayer: Pray for yourself and for others.

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P.R.A.Y. Acronym

The PRAY acronym is a guide that helps you pray to God in a meaningful way.

Praise: Spend time praising your Father and acknowledging His greatness and all that He has done.

Repent: Start to spend time confessing sins or mistakes that you have made and ask God for forgiveness.

Ask: Spend time asking God for specific needs or desires. This can be for yourself or for others.

Yield: Surrender control to God and submit to His will. Give it all over to Him.

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The Care Ministry exists to offer help, hope, and support to people as they walk through various life experiences.
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We believe in the power of prayer! Each week our Pastoral Team joins you in praying for your needs and celebrating answered prayers.
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Archived Devotionals