There's A Group For You

Bringing People Together

Bayside Groups have one, simple purpose: to bring people together. We believe God created us to live in meaningful relationships with others, and we were never made to do life alone.

Whether a men’s bible study, life-giving moms groups, or co-ed sports groups – Bayside Groups exist to make these life-changing relationships relevant and accessible to you.

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Group Leaders

Our groups are led by members who have the heart of Bayside. Group leaders facilitate discussions and create environments to build community and connection to our church. Our leaders do more than teach content. We want our leaders to encourage members to grow into their next steps.

Before You Lead A Group
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Thank you for considering to lead a group here at Bayside! If you have not done so already, we would like to invite you to compete our Growth Track (including a Freedom Group and the Freedom  Event).

On the Dream Team Questionnaire, please indicate your desire to lead by selecting Groups as one of your 2 Serve Team options.  A Groups Staff person will get in touch with you!

Fill Out The Dream Team Questionnaire ⟶

Register For Growth Track ⟶

Apply To Lead A Group
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New Or Ongoing GroupsThank you for choosing to join the groups dream team. Fill out the form below and select groups as your serve choice.

Fill out the Dream Team Questionnaire ⟶

Returning Group Leaders
Please contact your Group Director/Coordinator at your campus to obtain a group form.

View Staff Directory ⟶